Bayesian Neural Networks
BNN: Providing data integrity by leveraging the predictive power of neural networks.
The integrity of data processed by the Bayesian Neural Networks
"Bayesian Neural Networks"
Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN) technology provides automated causal discovery, and learning probabilities from data to develop probabilistic expert systems by leveraging the inference engine procedures. BNN processes the algorithms needed when accessing and managing complex data and decision processes.
To provide data purification by leveraging AI technologies
Integrated Services
BNN provides the foundation such as data base technologies, real-time transactions, APIs, data readiness for analytics, scalability, security, and ML for data purification via BNN processing.
Focus - Efficiency
BNN focuses on providing faster, cost-effective, seamless, secure AI processing. Fast to implement with differentiation to support the multiple data structures requirements.
Mathematic Principles
BNN uses mathematically sound principles for handling uncertainty and belief networks and up-to-date statistics for decision-making and to predict future events.
Cryptographically secured for integrity. Thousands of nodes in a peer-to-peer network, replicates the data and update it on every node. Even if nodes leave the network or are inaccessible, the network as a whole continues to work.
Predictive Modeling
BNN leverages predictive modeling to handle the uncertainties and the unknowns encountered to provide integrity based diagnostic judgments. BNN re-formulates its processes on the basis of context and previous events.
Process Optimization
BNN provide the ability to “jumpstart” projects and to minimize the deployment cycles. BNN uses knowledge-base technology allowing the components to remain independent and compatible with numerous environments,