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IntegrityAI Platform

Designed, built, and scaled for the Data Integrity purpose.

IAIP collects massive amounts of data to purify the data residing on data bases and legacy systems. 


"IntegrityAI Platform"

IAP is the "real-time" platform, leveraging data access, data management, data purification, to increase the quality of the badly managed world of data. Been AI and expert system engineered the IAP brings to customer purified data, high-grade performance, productivity and replicability. IAP is engineered to minimize TCO and the complexity of data sanitization.

Automated Data Discovery

IAP utilizes Bayesian network technology, automated data discovery, and learning probabilities from data to develop probabilistic expert systems by leveraging the inference engine procedures. IAP processes the algorithms needed to accessing complex data processes.

Graphical Models 

IAP utilizes Graph Theory to represent knowledge about an uncertain data system. IAP knowledge-based design manages each node in the graph representing a random variable, to reflect the probabilistic dependencies among the random variables.

Cognitive Processing

IAP modeling involves learning algorithms to discover the Bayesian structure and/or parameter values from data. The IAP model considers discrete Bayesian random variables to model the dynamic processes as a temporal reasoning within a real-time environment.

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Enabling effective AI transformation

Fully Integrated

IAP front/back-end system, easy-to-configure, with all modules working as an integrated system. IAP enables to configure products and processes, to tailor to the critical needs and adapt to dynamic business environments.

Collaborative Processing

IAP serves different processes or external modules, for a collaborative "business supply" chain. It operates in real-time, while preserving transaction and data integrity in high performance processing environments.

Real Time

IAP provides straight-through and real-time processing to empower data integrity and related finds delivery with AI agile techniques, higher level of automation and scalability for domestic and international operators.


A comprehensive, agile, granular front/back-end platform, easy-to-configure. Products-processes ready to be tailored to resolve critical needs and address diverse and dynamic business environments.

External Relationships

IAP manages the relationship with external entities involved in the businesses. The counter-parties’ data are held in a centralized database allowing consistency within/between/among the various transactions.


A fully-managed cloud native environment providing high level of security standards. With cloud, mobile, and self-service, fully at work, end-users are assisted through a direct interaction with their data.

Neural Networks & Analytics


Green Pattern

Bayesian Neural Network

BNN provides strategic decision-making and augment business performance by integrating key AI components and intuitive customizable modules for the data integrity processing.


Data Processing

Extended Predictive Analytics

XPA improves business performance with powerful capabilities for visual analysis, discovery, reporting, and forecasting. XPA's predictive components rapidly process the decision-support.

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