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Data Processing

Extended Predictive Analytics

XPA: Insights and predictions to guide the business management

Designed, built, and scaled to enable "actionable analytics".


"Extended Predictive Analytics"

XPA is the real-time data analytics product add-on based on the extensive use of transactional and customer data insights. XPA collects, transforms, refines, and learns about all the data involved in the data system environment.

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To enhance business performance with enterprise-level visual analysis

Predictive Analytics

XPA a powerful decision-support framework with embedded intelligent capabilities providing smart business outcomes. Designed to integrate, in real-time, complex event-driven prescriptive and predictive analytics.

Visual Analysis

XPA improves business performance with visual analysis, discovery, advanced analytics, reporting, and forecasting. It integrates open source and proprietary leading technologies for process discovery.

Applied BI

XPA utilizes BI components to enable faster processes and decision-support to address business user’s information needs. Intelligent features and Machine Learning techniques are utilized to provide the prebuilt BI.

Enterprise View

XPA leverages the "enterprise" data model, to make businesses to perform data analysis across multiple areas. XPA captures and aggregates the relevant data allocated in distributed and fragmented data sources.

Data Insights

XPA address customer facts resulting from historical events and centralized/distributed data sets. XPA provides fundamental input to derive customer behavior to monitor and to plan business actions.

Leverage Big Data

XPA applies inductive methods to extract business insight from large volumes of data. XPA provides analytic capabilities to unlock the potential of big data, while enabling easy integration with existing IT environments.

AI Platform & Neural Networks



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IntegrityAI Platform

IAP is the "real-time" platform, leveraging data access, data management, data purification, to increase the quality of the badly managed world of data.


Green Pattern

Bayesian Neural Networks 

BNN provides strategic decision-making and augment business performance by integrating key AI components and intuitive customizable modules for the data integrity processing.

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